Friday, April 5, 2019

Architecture of Computer

The computer performs basically five major operations of functions irrespective of their size and make. These are 1) it accepts data or instruction by way of input, 2) it stores data, 3) it can process data as required by the user, 4) it gives results in the form of output, and 5) it controls all operations inside a computer. We discuss below each of these operations.        
  1. Input: this is the process of entering data and programs into the computer system.
Input unit connects the external environment with internal computer system. It provides data and instructions to the computer system. Commonly used input devices are keyboard, mouse, magnetic tape etc.
Input unit performs following tasks:
• Accept the data and instructions from the outside environment.
• Convert it into machine language.
• Supply the converted data to computer system.
  1. Control Unit (CU): The process of input, output, processing and storage is performed under the supervision of a unit called 'Control Unit'. It decides when to start receiving data, when to stop it, where to store data, etc. It takes care of step -by-step processing of all operations inside the computer.
  2. Memory Unit: Computer is used to store data and program. There are two classes of memory devices:- Primary and Secondary
Primary memory is used to store the data which is being currently executed. It is used for temporary storage of data. The data is lost, when the computer is switched off. RAM is used as primary storage memory.
The secondary memory is slower and cheaper than primary memory. It is used for permanent storage of data. Commonly used secondary memory devices are hard disk, CD, Floppy Disk, Magnetic Tapes etc.
  1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The major operations performed by the ALU are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logic and comparison.
  2. Output: This is the process of producing results from the data for getting useful information.It connects the internal system of a computer to the external environment. It provides the results of any computation, or instructions to the outside world. Some output devices are printers, monitor etc.

The ALU and the CU of a computer system are jointly known as the central processing unit (CPU). The heart of the computer system is the Processor unit.

Peripheral devices are connected to the computer externally. These devices are used for performing some specific functions. Peripheral devices are as follows:
1.         Input Devices
2.         Output Devices
3.         Other Peripherals

Input devices accept data and instructions from the user. Following are the examples of various input devices, which are connected to the computer for this purpose.
1.                  Keyboard
2.                  Mouse
3.                  Light Pen
4.                  Optical/magnetic Scanner
5.                  Touch Screen
6.                  Microphone for voice as input
7.                  Track Ball
OUTPUT DEVICES:                                                                                                      
Output devices return processed data that is information, back to the  user. Some of the commonly used output devices are:
1.                  Monitor (Visual Display Unit)
2.                  Printers
3.                  Plotter
4.                  Speakers

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